Moves Afoot have been playing barn-dances for many years now, and for most of those many years our keyboard sound was provided by Jon Fielder. Jon was well known throughout Sussex and beyond as a highly talented pianist and composer, and many hundreds of young people throughout Mid-Sussex remember him with fondness as their music teacher. We were very lucky to acquire his services, aware of his wide-ranging talent but utterly unaware of his sense of humour. Only Jon would have the nerve (and indeed skill) to break out into the opening bars of “Watcher of the Skies” by Genesis in the middle of a barn dance. And only Jon could tell jokes so bad that he deserved a medal struck in his honour. One of a kind? Without doubt.
We, and the rest of the world, lost Jon to sudden illness in 2015. His loss was devastating to the band, to the music community at large, and to everyone who knew him; for above all else, Jon was simply a lovely bloke. He brought warmth and humour as well as his wonderful music, and for as long as Moves Afoot are still around, the fond memory of Jon will always be around too.
Thanks for all the good times, pal.